Isabela State University is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace environment by guaranteeing the right to our employees to self- organization and to collective negotiations. Thus, the University recognizes the formation of the Non-Academic Staff Association (NASA) and the ISU Faculty Association. Under which, all parties agree to the promotion of transparency in compensation practices and the regular tracking of pay scale that is nondiscriminatory to either gender, race, ethnicities, and/or religion.

Employees are encouraged to actively engage in discussions surrounding pay equality. Our organization values open communication and welcomes feedback from employees on matters related to compensation. Employees are assured that their concerns will be treated with confidentiality and sensitivity.

As approved by the ISU Board of Regents, an accumulated savings was granted as Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) Incentive to ISU employees.
This is in accordance to Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Administrative Order No. 135 s. 2005, authorizing the grant of CNA incentives to qualified government employees that is sourced from Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE).
The CNA incentive is through the effort of the ISU management, faculty, and staff in accomplishing performance targets at lesser cost, attaining more efficient and viable operations through cost-cutting measures and systems improvement.
View Full Text of Document: Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA)
Board of Regents Resolution Recognizing Employee’s Union and Faculty Association Eligibility for CNA Incentive: BOR Resolution no. 106 s. 2022