Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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The 2024 Student Research and Development (R&D) Symposium was participated by undergraduate and graduate students of Isabela State University (ISU) on July 22, 2024 at the ISU Angadanan Multipurpose Hall. The said University-wide event was organized by the Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) and the Office of Research and Development, Extension and Training.


As a strategy to be consistent with the approved framework of the University R&D council, the symposium is one of the efforts to mainstream student research into the University research thrusts and agenda. This ensures ISU’s developmental role to promote the commercialization of appropriate technologies and strategies for sustainable development.


With four (4) categories namely social, higher education, technical, and technological, the research symposium aims to: select outstanding research for science and non-science courses in the undergraduate level; provide certificate/plaque of recognition to students with outstanding research work; and publish extended abstracts in the Student Symposium proceedings.


In support of the symposium, Dr. Orlando F. Balderama (Vice President for Research and Development, Extension and Training) emphasized the importance of the University investing in R&D and his hopes towards the future of its programs.


“Of course, the University has to invest our resources, our expertise, financial support, and so on. So we are so happy to see how it grows in this way….to really imbibe R&D excellence in the DNA culture of the Isabela State University,” Dr. Balderama said.


He further continued on to appreciate the partnership between state universities and line agencies in promoting excellence in research and development in synergy with academic programs.


Dr. Ricmar P. Aquino (University President) also graced the said event. In his message, he encouraged the participants to push the boundaries of what is possible through research to contribute to the solutions for societal problems.


“Let us remember that the journey of research is never solitary. It is a collaborative endeavor that requires the support, encouragement, and shared vision of an entire community. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact on our world,” Dr. Aquino expressed.


In view of the outstanding efforts and outputs of the symposium participants, the three (3) winners of each category were awarded with both a Plaque of Recognition and Cash Award.