ISU Research Vice President Dr. Orlando F. Balderama shared with The Exchange’s anchor Ruth Cabal the importance of the ISU’s center in consolidating water-related research ventures in the country, with focus on water infrastructure management to mitigate the recurring, climate-induced water hazards.
SWIM R&D recently got the NICER status from DOST, or the Niche Centers in the Region for R&D, signifying its unique thrust on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) problems in the country.
Joining the presentation of the S&T initiatives for disaster resilience is the Project “EXCEED”, a digital monitoring system for volcanic activities, with project leader Rhen Anjerome Bedruz.
Watch full segment here: https://bit.ly/3zDNsp3
Watch Extracted Footage from our Youtube: ISU’s SWIM Project gets featured in CNN Philippines for Disaster Resilience S&T Efforts