Thursday, May 19, 2022

New roster of employees now joins the workforce of Isabela State University as ceremonial oath to office takes place this May 19.

147 newly hired and promoted faculty members and non-teaching staff attended the oath-taking ceremony at the ISU-Echague De Venecia Hall.

Of the total number of new workforce, there are 21 newly hired non-teaching employees, 16 promoted, and 11 reappointed. For the faculty members, there are 45 newly hired, and 54 promoted.

Along with the oath taking, a seminar-orientation on university policies, guidelines and services was held to affirm the appointments of the faculty and non-teaching employees.

Isabela State University as an institution that caters equal access to career opportunities align to the provisions of its Administrative Manual, alongside National Policy Directives for inclusive, nondiscriminatory hiring, and selection processes.