Under the PBB system implemented by the government, agencies are evaluated based on various performance indicators and assigned scores, which determine the amount of the bonus allocated to eligible employees. The PBB aims to promote excellence, efficiency, and accountability within government organizations, while also serving as an incentive for employees to strive for continuous improvement.
In the evaluation, ISU showed exceptional performance across categories, demonstrating its efforts to deliver efficient public service. It was able to achieve perfect scores (25 points) under the Process and Financial Results.
For the Process Results, ISU performed substantial improvements to ease transactions in priority core/external and internal service and retained its ISO 9001:2015 certification with the scope of the provision of instruction, research, and extension for Higher and Advanced Education.
Likewise, for the Financial Results, ISU achieved an average of 80% disbursements and Earmarked Income Budget Utilization Rate (BUR).
The government’s dedication to recognize merit and incentivize continuous improvement is demonstrated through its performance in the equitable distribution of performance-based bonuses.
This feat for the ISU community emphasizes the University as a model for other institutions, highlighting the significance of accountability and effective service provision.