With the rising environmental and disaster risk concerns brought by global warming, ISU recognizes the role of academe towards integrating environmental values and building resilience to learners as they become responsible members of the society.
In doing so, the University offered advance education on Disaster Risk Management & Climate Change Adaptation.
The advanced education program is designed to advance interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary approaches to addressing risk, climate change adaptation, and building resilience.
ISU has long been committed on reinforcing academic efforts toward Climate Change adaptation and disaster resilience. The University was among the pioneer delegates to the 1st International Conference on Governance and Partnership, and Technology Exhibition on Climate
Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) which has taken-up on October 2018. From there, Dr. Ricmar P. Aquino was elected as the first president of the International Organization on CCA/DRRM. The University also has several partnerships, like
National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) in venturing effective institutional approaches on CCA/DRRM.