The Center for Organic Agriculture Research Extension and Training is a research and development center for organic agriculture. Through the financial support from DA-BAR, the center implements a project titled “Promotion and Utilization of Tissue-Cultured Saba Plantlets to Enhance Farm Productivity and Increase Income of Banana Small Holders in Isabela” that aims to capacitate selected farmer associations/cooperatives in both the establishment, management, production, marketing, and operation of banana. The University, through the center, established partnerships with the Providence Banana and High Value Crops Growers Association, Valley High Value Agricultural Cooperative, and Caviteño Isabelino Agriculture Cooperative to capacitate the said cooperatives in the establishment, management, production, marketing, and operation of banana (cardava) saba.
An agreement with the DOST was made by the University for the implementation of the project titled, “Mushroom Cultivation: A Quick Response Community Livelihood Project. The project generally aims to increase food and income security through incorporating mushroom cultivation into livelihood strategies in the communities. Specifically, it aims to strengthen institutional linkages and partnerships among existing duly recognized rural-based organizations (RBOs); provide extension service to RBOs on mushroom livelihood community projects; capacitate RBOs on mushroom growing and processing; and explore strong market linkages for RBOs to promote and develop mushroom family business enterprises.
The Center also initiated the Mushroom Culture Production and Training among the faculty members of the Crop Science Department of the College of Agriculture. The undertaking aimed at capacitating the faculty members to come up with products that will be displayed on one station in the planned eco-tourism trail of the campus.