Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Isabela State University (ISU) hosted the Department of Science and Technology’s (DOST) Press Conference for the launching of a Goat Embryo Transfer Technology on September 26, 2024 at the Climate Change Center at ISU Echague. The said press conference is part of the Regional Science, Technology, and Innovation Week (RSTW) Celebration of DOST Region 2.


The technology transfer program was an initiative of the DOST Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST PCAARRD) through the ISU Cagayan Valley Small Ruminants Research Center (ISU-CVSRRC) with the help of Dr. Melvin Miguel Pajate, a DOST Balik Scientist.


The Goat Embryo Transfer Technology as presented by Dr. Renato U. Solidum, Jr. (Secretary, DOST) allows for the acquisition of genetic materials from a superior animal and be transferred to an inferior animal as a surrogate. The process hastens the improvement of genes than in a natural mating.

After the presentation, a question and answer session with media representatives and practitioners were held with the following key officials as panelists: Secretary Solidum, Dr. Leah J. Buendia (Undersecretary for R&D, DOST), Engr. Sancho A. Mabborang (Undersecretary for RO, DOST), Dr. Reynaldo V. Ebora (Executive Director, DOST PCAARRD), Dr. Mervin Miguel Pajete (DOST Balik Scientist), Dr. Ricmar P. Aquino (President, ISU), and Dr. Jonathan Nayga (Director, ISU-CVSRRC).


Among the conversations during the Q and A session include: the advantages of adopting the embryo transfer (ET) technology, the attempts and success rate of the ISU-CVSRRC in ET, the similarities and differences between ET, natural breeding, and In-Vitro Fertilization, and the importance of the DOST Balik Scientist Program. 


“If we can implement a successful protocol of embryo transfer in the Philippines, maybe in the future, we can start importing goats, we can already produce our own breed of goats in the Philippines,” Dr. Pajate shared during the Q and A session when asked about his decision to engage in the DOST Balik Scientist Program.


EDL Farms & Feed Manufacturing, Inc. (EDL) was also present in the event as part of their commitment as the main adapter of the launched technology. Previously, EDL and ISU-CVSRRC signed a Technology Adoption Agreement which authorizes EDL to fund technology transfer and equipment acquisition, and provide animals for training and services to goat raisers to boost the industry.


Engr. Mabborang, in his message, hoped that EDL continues to extend its assistance to help popularize the technology and for it to be promoted not only locally but also globally.


“At ISU-CVSRRC, we believe that by investing in the growth and resilience of the goat industry, we are directly contributing to the broader goals of agricultural development and rural prosperity. We will continue to work tirelessly to elevate this important sector, ensuring that the future of goat farming in the Philippines is brighter and more sustainable for all involved,” Dr. Aquino expressed this while presenting the milestones of the ISU-CVSRRC as part of welcoming the press conference panelists and participants.